Cash Transfers and Basic Social Protection: Towards a Development Revolution? (Rethinking International Development series) by Moritz von Gliszczynski
Cash Transfers and Basic Social Protection: Towards a Development Revolution? (Rethinking International Development series) by Moritz von Gliszczynski PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The author offers a ground-breaking analysis of the political discourses that facilitated the rise of cash transfers as instruments of development policy since the 1990s. Using an innovative theoretical framework, von Gliszczynski gives a broad, yet detailed, overview of the history of basic social protection in global policy and identifies discursive shifts that radically changed the perception of cash transfers in global policy. His in-depth analysis of political discourses illustrates in how far the career of cash transfers was part of a 'development revolution' and shows to what extent the ideas behind development policy have truly changed. By demonstrating that cash transfers are part of a specifically developmental model of social protection, this book also sheds light on potential future directions of social policy in the Global South.
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